BUSINESS | 19:51 / 06.07.2019
3 min read

Ministry of Agriculture: Farmers are not forced to grow certain crops

Photo: Vitaly Timkiv

Information and Mass Communications Agency, with participation of the Ministry of Agriculture, held an open dialogue on topical issues in the agricultural sphere.

According to the head of the ministerial department Isroil Kholmirzayev, today all the farmers of the country, based on their desire, possibilities and conditions, independently decide which product to plant on their fields.

“We, together with the deputy khokim of the region or district, based on the proposals of each farmer, are discussing what he can plant. There are no cases of forcing them to grow certain types of crops. What kind of farmer would plant a crop if he does not believe in the profit? I confirm once again - there are no cases of compulsion,” Kholmirzayev said. 

Today, the State is a buyer of grain and cotton at a high cost. This is one of the main reasons why these products are planted more than others, he noted.

In addition, a draft government decree on cultivation of grain, liberalizing prices and improving the mechanism of public procurement is being prepared. This document, developed at the initiative of the ministry, addresses the issues of growing crops and the use of international practice in government procurement. That is, a system will be developed to cover the costs of a farmer and ensure profitability.

The head of the ministry’s responsible department Asror Jurayev noted that the problems of agriculture are gradually being solved. Cases of “theft” by farmers of their products for sale on the market more expensively are being eliminated. To date, the ministry is working to effectively use land resources and increase their productivity.

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