SOCIETY | 11:59 / 05.10.2019
2 min read

A husband, who forcibly chained his wife at home, prosecuted in Zangiota

The press service of the Tashkent region’s police department officially commented on a video footage, which shows “A woman, who was chained at her house”.

It was noted that on September 26 of this year, citizen M. A. appealed to the Zangiota district police department and asked for taking a legal action against his son-in-law. Reportedly, on September 23-26, 2019, A. T. illegally chained his wife D. T. at the leg in his apartment and detained her.

Police officers of the Zangiota district Internal Affairs Department went to the house of A. T. to promptly investigate the case. During the study, a forensic examination was conducted on the injuries received by the sufferer. It was identified that injuries inflicted on D. T. are classified as minor injuries that have resulted in short-term health problems.

Currently, the Investigation Department under the Zangiota district police department has instituted a criminal case against citizen A. T. under the Part 1 of Article 138 (Illegal deprivation of liberty by using force) of the Criminal Code. An investigation is underway.

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