18:30 / 31.12.2019

Investment project of a combined cycle gas turbine unit with a capacity of 450 megawatts commissioned at Navoi TPP 

Construction of the second major investment project of a combined cycle gas turbine unit with a capacity of 450 megawatts has been completed at Navoi TPP JSC.

The project is being implemented in accordance with the presidential decree of December 28, 2016.

Currently, complex software tests have been completed on the project equipment and the unit has been included in the network in a combined mode.

The commissioning of 450 MW CCGT will make it possible to provide an additional annual output of 3.2 billion kWh of electric energy, and 200 gigacalories p/h of thermal energy. The specific equivalent fuel consumption per 1 kWh of electric power on the new equipment is 195 grams, against 360-370 grams on traditional installations. It gives the station annual savings of up to 500 million cubic meters of natural gas. At the same time, harmful emissions of nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere are reduced by almost 5 times, which clearly illustrates the environmental benefits of modern equipment. The start-up of 450 MW CCGT will make it possible to additionally provide electric power to the North-West region of the country, which will serve as an additional impetus for the economic development of the Khorezm region and the Republic of Karakalpakistan.

Simultaneously with the completion of the project, the only center in the CA region for training personnel for TPP began operating at the station. To date, 14 certified instructors from among the station’s specialists carry out teaching activities at the center. Annually, the center trains up to 200 people.

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