SOCIETY | 11:11 / 08.06.2021
4 min read

Over 3,000 people from Uzbekistan on the wanted list

The Interior Ministry of Uzbekistan has published the list of wanted persons, which includes 3,075 people. 27% of them are wanted on suspicion of fraud.

The MIA official website published a list of people wanted for committing an offense.

Using this information, correspondent analyzed the number of wanted persons, their age and the type of offense committed.

As of June 1, 2021, the number of people wanted on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is 3075 people.

The highest number accounts for fraudsters, 819 people are suspected of committing a crime under Article 168 of the Criminal Code (“Fraud”). This is 27% of the total number of wanted persons.

Subsequent positions are occupied by persons wanted for embezzlement (Article 167) and theft (Article 169). They make up 21% of the total number of wanted persons.

185 people are wanted for premeditated murder (Article 97). This is 6% of the total number of wanted persons.

The number of people wanted on suspicion of committing crimes such as aggression, human trafficking and drug trafficking also exceeds 100 for each type of crime.

However, of the more than 3,000 wanted individuals, 26 have not been specified for what offense they are wanted. came across some interesting figures during the analysis of the age category of the persons declared wanted by the MIA.

For example, 7 of the wanted are over 90 years old, and one of them is 99 years old. The number of wanted people over the age of 80 is 12. The data did not provide information on the reasons for the search of the elderly.

Overall, 8.5% of those wanted, or 260 persons, are over 60 years old. Correspondingly, 91.5% or 2,815 of those wanted are under the age of 60.

The youngest of the wanted (33 people) were born in 2000-2002. The most wanted people are 30-45 year olds.

Some of the wanted (3 people) are accused of committing crimes under 11 Articles of the Criminal Code, 2 people – under 9 Articles and 71 people – under 5 to 8 Articles.

The majority of those wanted, 67% or 2,047 people, are wanted on a single charge, 21.5% or 663 people on 2 charges and 6% or 195 people – on 3 charges at once.

At the same time, t is unknown for what offense 26 individuals are being wanted.

Commenting on the situation, MIA officials said that the charges against 26 wanted people were omitted due to a technical malfunction and would be rectified soon.

For information, according to Article 10 of the law “On operational search activities”, the following bodies carry out operational search activities in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

  • Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • State Security Service;
  • Presidential State Security Service;
  • Ministry of Defense Military Intelligence;
  • State Customs Committee;
  • Department for Combating Economic Crimes under the Prosecutor General’s Office;
  • Bureau of Compulsory Enforcement.

It is prohibited to carry out search operations by other state bodies, legal entities and individuals.

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