POLITICS | 11:05 / 23.08.2022
2 min read

24 Afghan citizens illegally cross state border of Uzbekistan

24 citizens of Afghanistan illegally crossed the state border to Uzbekistan, the information service of the SSS border troops reported.

Photo: Kun.uz

“On August 21, 2022, in the “Prophet island” area of   Surkhandarya region, a group of Afghan citizens violated the state border and moved towards the island by boat. Violators resisted soldiers of the Uzbek border troops who arrived in the area,” the SSS border troops said

All 24 people who violated the border of Uzbekistan were captured in order to identify their identity and carry out search operations. As it turned out, the Afghans who crossed the border aimed to illegally take the root of the licorice plant, which grows in large quantities in the border area of   Uzbekistan.

At the moment, the territory of “Prophet island” is under the full control of units of the border troops of Uzbekistan.

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