17:19 / 25.02.2023

Several houses flooded in Karakalpakstan due to rising water level in a canal

Photos of flooded houses in the Turtkul district of Karakalpakstan have been circulated on social networks.

Photo: karakalpakstan.uz

As the press service of the Ministry of Water Resources of Karakalpakstan reported, on February 24, at about 03:00-04:00, the water level rose on the dam of “Kalta Minor-1” canal in the Turtkul district.

According to the department, at 07:00 in the morning the canal was completely blocked. However, as a result of the rise in water level and the collapse of the canal’s banks, 8 residential buildings and 2.5 hectares of arable land were damaged.

It is noted that since the autumn of last year, the water level in the canal has not risen as much as it is now, and according to initial assumptions, the above situation occurred due to rodent burrows through which water seeped as a result of soil softening.

In addition, the authorities will check the activities of the water workers assigned to these areas, and some farmers and landowners who could arbitrarily use water from the canal without complying with established norms and requirements.

At the same time, work is underway to establish the amount of damage. There is no information about the victims.

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