SOCIETY | 18:33 / 17.08.2023
3 min read

Almost 4 billion soums worth of gas stolen from CNG filling station near Nukus

The inspectors revealed external interference in the operation of meters installed at the CNG filling station.

Photo: Press Service of the Energy Ministry 

Uzenergoinspektsiya revealed large theft of natural gas by one of the enterprises in Karakalpakstan, the Ministry of Energy reported.

Representatives of the department carried out joint control activities with the prosecutor’s office, employees of Uztransgaz and Khududgaztaminot. During the inspection, violations in the consumption of gas by Max Gaz Servis in the Nukus district were reportedly discovered.

At a CNG filling station owned by the company, inspectors found interference with the operation of gas metering devices. The company spent 3.85 million cubic meters of gas without payment.

According to the ministry’s calculations, this volume could cover the monthly consumption of 19,000 households. The damage to the state is estimated at 3.85 billion soums (at a rate of 1,000 soums per 1 cubic meter).

The documents drawn up as a result of the audit were handed over to law enforcement agencies. The Inspectorate and other departments continue to control, the department noted.

In February, Shavkat Mirziyoyev approved measures to strengthen control over the fuel and energy sector. Among other things, he instructed to equate violations of the procedure for using electricity and gas with theft with theft.

The Oliy Majlis and the Senate approved the relevant amendments to the Criminal Code and Administrative Responsibility Code on March 2 and 3, respectively. Ten days later, the President signed the law, and on June 15, it came into force.

At a meeting on August 11, Mirziyoyev critically assessed the organization of control in the energy sector. The prosecutor’s office and the Uzenergoinspektsiya use the resources and powers provided to them to deal not with the causes, but only with the consequences of the energy shortage, he said.

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