POLITICS | 14:38 / 07.05.2024
2 min read

Supreme Court rehabilitates another 198 political prisoners convicted during repression years 

Consistent efforts are being made to restore historical justice and clear the names of our compatriots who were unfairly accused, their property was confiscated, and they themselves were destroyed and persecuted during the repressions of the authoritarian regime.

Photo: Kun.uz

The basis for this was the presidential decree of October 8, 2020 “On further study of the legacy of victims of repression and additional measures to perpetuate their memory”.

In order to ensure the implementation of the decree, a Republican working group was created to further study the legacy of the victims of repression, organize and coordinate work to perpetuate their memory.

Thanks to the consistent work and extensive efforts of the working group, in recent years, 1,031 compatriots repressed during Soviet times have been rehabilitated and acquitted.

On May 6, 2024, at open court hearings chaired by Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court Ikrom Muslimov, these protests were considered and satisfied, and on the basis of Article 83 of the Criminal Procedure Code, the Collegium of the Supreme Court for Criminal Cases In the cassation instance, acquittals were made against 205 persons on 12 criminal cases.

Thus, historical justice triumphed, the truth, which had not been revealed for years, triumphed.

List of victims of repression, rehabilitated and acquitted by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan on May 6, 2024.

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