POLITICS | 09:01 / 06.06.2024
3 min read

UN General Assembly approves a resolution initiated by Uzbekistan on solving drug problems

Photo: UN Photo/Manuel Elias

On June 4, the UN General Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution initiated by Uzbekistan “The readiness of the countries of Central Asia to act as a united front and cooperate to effectively resolve and eliminate drug-related problems”, the MFA press service reported.

The resolution was co-sponsored by more than 30 member countries, including Azerbaijan, Algeria, Armenia, Bahrain, Belarus, China, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Iran, Indonesia, Jordan, Morocco, UAE, Oman, Pakistan, Russia , Singapore, Senegal, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Japan and other countries.

The concept of the resolution is based on the speech of the President of Uzbekistan at the 76th session of the UN General Assembly in September 2021.

The document takes into account the conceptual provisions that form the basis of the National Strategy of Uzbekistan to combat drug trafficking and drug abuse for 2024-2028, adopted at the initiative of the head of state.

The resolution notes that achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Central Asia is closely linked to the fight against drug trafficking and drug abuse in the region. Attention is focused on the positive changes in the region occurring thanks to the new policy of Uzbekistan.

The commitment of the states of the region to effective anti-drug cooperation within the framework of a global approach to solving the drug problem in the world based on the accumulated positive experience of interaction is emphasized. The document calls for the adoption of comprehensive measures to combat illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and their precursors, and the development of strategic initiatives and action plans.

It also states the importance of expanding support from the UN, international financial institutions and other stakeholders to Central Asian states in comprehensively addressing drug-related problems.

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