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air pollution
08:59 / 17.05.2024
Tashkent ranked 4th globally in terms of air pollution
10:51 / 30.03.2024
Every fourth Wednesday of the month in Uzbekistan to be declared 'Car-Free Day'
11:53 / 29.03.2024
Canadian Ambassador commutes by bus, citing convenience and environmental benefits
10:08 / 23.03.2024
Uzhydromet: Content of fine PM 2.5 particles in Tashkent’s air did not exceed WHO recommendations
11:56 / 15.03.2024
Tashkent covered in smog (photos)
14:33 / 29.02.2024
Tashkent ranked 1st in the world in terms of air pollution
18:30 / 28.02.2024
Uzbekistan receives 8 automatic air pollution monitoring stations
16:25 / 23.02.2024
Eco Party demands immediate response to Tashkent TPP's environmental impact
14:24 / 23.02.2024
Uzbekistan 2030 strategy aims for cleaner air with traffic restrictions in major cities
11:11 / 23.02.2024
Tashkent ranks 3rd in the world in terms of air pollution
12:53 / 21.02.2024
Tashkent tops global list of cities with highest air pollution surpassing Lahore and Delhi
22:14 / 13.02.2024
“There is no influence of fuel oil on air pollution in Tashkent” - Ministry of Energy
12:41 / 08.02.2024
Uzbekistan introduces regulations to limit operations of enterprises polluting the air
13:46 / 07.02.2024
Novo-Angren power station to pay 1 billion UZS for causing air pollution
12:28 / 31.01.2024
Gov’t planning to restrict movement of cars that do not meet Euro-5 standard in large cities