10:59 / 07.03.2019

First ever nationwide dictation in the French language to be organized in Uzbekistan

As part of the festival Francophonie, on March 12, the first nationwide dictation in French will be held throughout Uzbekistan, the French Embassy in Uzbekistan reports.

The French language departments of eight universities, such as the University of World Languages and the National University of Uzbekistan, the Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages and the state universities of Bukhara, Karshi, Andijan, Urgench and Fergana will take part in the dictation.

At the same time, the students of these universities will take dictation according to a single text proposed by the embassy.

Each university will send the three best works to the French Embassy in Uzbekistan, where the second stage of the inspection will be organized. On March 27, three winners of the first nationwide dictation will be awarded during the lingual event Francophony.

Earlier, it was reported that on March 20-30 of this year, restaurants in Tashkent, Bukhara and Jizzakh would take part in the festival “Taste of France”, which embraces five continents.

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