POLITICS | 10:39 / 15.04.2019
2 min read

“Send us video recordings, we will take appropriate measures” - Tashkent police department 

Photo: 74.ru

Tashkent police department urged townspeople to actively participate in improving driving culture, it follows from the message on the website of the department.

In particular, residents of the city were asked to record traffic violations and send them to the Main Department of Internal Affairs. Guilty parties will surely be punished.

“If you witnessed how a driver did not let a pedestrian cross the road at the crosswalk, send a video - measures will be taken,” the website of Internal Affairs department says.

According to the police department, in January-March of the current year, 79,711 drivers were fined for committing traffic offenses. 3,427 of them did not let a pedestrian cross the unregulated pedestrian crossing. In 3 months, 80 pedestrians were hit by vehicles while crossing the road in a wrong place. 10 of them died, 70 - received injuries of varying severity. During the same period, 46 traffic accidents occurred, as a result of which drivers hit pedestrians crossing the road at pedestrian crossings.

It should be recalled that from April 11, the traffic patrol department of Tashkent has started using a helicopter to monitor compliance with the traffic rules.

Earlier it was reported that in accordance with the government decree, several changes were introduced to the traffic rules in Uzbekistan. For example, vehicles in the daytime are obliged to move with dipped headlights.

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