SOCIETY | 11:25 / 15.10.2020
2 min read

TSPU rector fined for not re-employing unfairly fired teacher

Alisher Umarov, the rector of the Tashkent State Pedagogical University (TSPU) named after Nizami, was imposed a fine in the amount of 2,230,000 soums. The court found him guilty under Article 198-1 of the Administrative Responsibility Code (failure to comply with the lawful requirements of a representative of the authorities). According to, Umarov did not attend the trial.

According to the decision of the Uchtepa court in August, the former head of the department at the TSPU Sh.R. must have been reinstated to his previous position or to another equivalent position. However, the university appointed Sh.R. as the deputy director of the technical school in the Khojayli district of Karakalpakstan. He disagreed with this.

By law, enforcement documents related to reinstatement must be enforced immediately. So the BCE sued the university administration. The court upheld the appeal.

As the BCE reported, 18 million soums were collected from the TSPU in favor of Sh.R. for his period of forced unemployment (10 million soums) and for non-pecuniary damage (8 million soums). Also, the university paid 19.7 million soums for expenses related to the procedure (a total of 37.7 million soums).

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