09:35 / 26.02.2024

New trains delivered to Tashkent metro

17:37 / 24.02.2024

Detention center official in Jizzakh detained while taking $5,000 in bribe

15:00 / 24.02.2024

SSS arrests civil servants suspected of corruption and fraud

14:33 / 24.02.2024

Rumors about construction of an entertainment center instead of Sergeli car market denied

20:42 / 23.02.2024

State Program for implementation of Strategy “Uzbekistan – 2030” in 2024 approved

19:54 / 23.02.2024

“Compulsory haircutting undermines students’ dignity, threatens their right to privacy” – Children's Ombudsman investigating incident in Navoi

19:13 / 23.02.2024

Kyrgyzstan's Tez Jet Airline granted permission for flights to Tashkent

19:11 / 23.02.2024

Uzbekistan, China discuss strengthening cooperation in consular and legal affairs

18:19 / 23.02.2024

First-time online aircraft auction in Uzbekistan seeks buyers for classic Antonov

18:16 / 23.02.2024

Uzbek brides top ranking in Türkiye’s foreign marriage figures for 2023

16:25 / 23.02.2024

Eco Party demands immediate response to Tashkent TPP's environmental impact

15:09 / 23.02.2024

Schoolchildren in Navoi forced to have haircuts during class hours in sports hall

14:24 / 23.02.2024

Uzbekistan 2030 strategy aims for cleaner air with traffic restrictions in major cities

11:43 / 23.02.2024

Old aircraft with high fuel consumption to be sold, modern and economical aircraft to be purchased

11:11 / 23.02.2024

Tashkent ranks 3rd in the world in terms of air pollution