31 July


SSS Chairman Azizov visits Pakistan

On July 30, Chairman of the State Security Services (SSS) of Uzbekistan Lieutenant General Abdusalom Azizov held talks with the Chief of Army Staff of Pakistan General Qamar Javed Bajwa at the general headquarters of the Pakistan army, thenews.com.pk reports. Read more

30 July


Corruption causes over UZS 1.5 trillion damage to the economy of Uzbekistan in H1

Over the past 6 months of 2019, corruption caused the state UZS 1.5 trillion damage. Of this, 97.3% were levied. The head of the department of public relations and legal information of the Prosecutor General’s Office Hayot Shamsutdinov said.  Read more


Uzbekistan Airways plans to sell six airliners

The national airline company Uzbekistan Airways plans to sell its six airliners. The company representatives reported to Kun.uz about it.  Read more


Ex-Prosecutor General Otabek Murodov convicted on the case of Ikhtiyor Abdullayev

Former Prosecutor General Otabek Muradov is being convicted on the case of the former Chairman of the State Security Service Ikhtiyor Abdullayev. This was announced by the spokesperson of the Prosecutor General’s Office Hayot Shamsutdinov. Read more


New traffic fine to be introduced from August 3 

On May 2, Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed the law “On introducing amendments and addenda to the Criminal, Criminal Procedural and the Administrative Liability Codes of the Republic of Uzbekistan”. Read more

29 July


Agenda of Shavkat Mirziyoyev's official visit to Belarus announced

On July 31-August 1, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, at the invitation of Alexander Lukashenko, will pay an official visit to Belarus, the presidential press service reports. Read more

27 July


Regional khokim arrives in the district where the businessman set deputy khokim on fire, promises to resolve all problems

Today, July 27, the khokim of the Kashkadarya region Zafar Ruziyev visited the Yakkabag district, where the other day a businessman poured gasoline and set the deputy khokim of the district on fire. The head of the press service of the district administration Bozor Azizov reported to Kun.uz about it. Read more


Uzbekistan’s Statistics Committee announces total income of the population in H1 2019

According to preliminary data, in January-June 2019, the total volume of population’s income amounted to 153.3 trillion soums with the growth rate reaching 121.7%, the State Statistics Committee reported. Read more

25 July


Deputy Minister of Economy and Industry Ravshan Gulyamov becomes Presidential Adviser

First Deputy Minister of Economy and Industry Ravshan Gulyamov has been appointed adviser to the President, Kun.uz source reports. Read more


Uzbekistan plans to purchase Huawei equipment for development of 5G networks

The government of Uzbekistan plans to allow MITC departments to conclude contracts with the Chinese company Huawei for the supply of technological equipment and software in order to develop 5G networks. Read more

24 July


Shavkat Mirziyoyev to pay official visit to Belarus


Head policeman handcuffs farmers, locks them in a bus in Kashkadarya

Recently, information appeared on social networks that, head of the Kasbi district police department of the Kashkadarya region Chori Kucharov organized a seminar during which he held more than ten local farmers and irrigators in the stuffy bus for two hours. Read more

23 July


Businessman sets deputy khokim on fire in Kashkadarya

An entrepreneur in the Yakkabag district of the Kashkadarya region poured gasoline on the district's deputy khokim and set him on fire for his attempt to demolish the man’s store and a sewing workshop. Read more


Uzbekistan, PRC reach agreement on export of chili peppers to Chinese market

The State Plant Quarantine Inspectorate of Uzbekistan and the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China (GASC) signed a protocol on phytosanitary requirements for exporting chili peppers from Uzbekistan to the PRC. Read more


Uzbekistan resumes gold export

From January to June, Uzbekistan exported gold for $2 billion, follows from the data of the State Statistics Committee. This happened against the background of reducing the gap between imports and exports from $2.9 billion to $2.8 billion. Read more

22 July


Trade war between the US and China will not affect the Central Asian countries – Botir Khodjayev

The trade war between the United States and China will have limited affect on the countries of Central Asia, the Minister of Economy and Industry Botir Khodjayev said. Read more


Relatives of a car owner don’t need to issue a power of attorney to operate vehicle from October 1


USA becomes one of TOP-3 countries where citizens of Uzbekistan most often emigrate

The USA has become one of the TOP-3 countries where citizens of Uzbekistan most often emigrate, follows from the data of the State Statistics Committee for January-June 2019. Read more

19 July


Shavkat Mirziyoyev receives World Bank Vice President Cyril Muller

On July 19, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev received the World Bank delegation led by Vice President for Europe and Central Asia, Cyril Muller. Read more

18 July


Uzbekistan to double electricity exports by 2030 

By 2030, Uzbekistan intends to strengthen integration with the power systems of neighboring countries, increasing the volume of imports and exports of electricity, Deputy Minister of Energy Sherzod Khodjayev said.  Read more

17 July


Gov’t decree: Imported meat is exempt from VAT until October 1 

According to a government decree, ammendments and addenda have been made to the list of food products produced in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the turnover for the sale of which is exempt from value added tax (VAT), the Justice Ministry reports. Read more

16 July


Gafur Rakhimov resigns as President of AIBA

Gafur Rakhimov resigned on Monday as president of the International Boxing Association after his tenure played a role in the body being stripped of the right to organize the Olympic boxing events, federalnewsnetwork said with reference to the AIBA press service. Read more

15 July


$430 million to be spent to electrify Bukhara-Misken-Urgench-Khiva railway

On July 14, khokim of the Khorezm region Farkhod Ermanov met with Senior Transport Specialist at Asian Development Bank Ko Sakamoto. Read more


Uzbekistan to develop its first ever energy security doctrine 


State Security Service head becomes UFA President

In an extraordinary session of the Uzbekistan Football Association on Monday, Abdusalom Azizov, head of the State Security Service (SSS), was elected new president of the UFA, Kun.uz correspondent reports. Read more


Uzbekistan plans to export 15 billion cubic meters of gas in 2019

Uzbekistan plans to export about 15 billion cubic meters of gas this year, chairman of the board of Uzbekneftegaz Bahodir Sidikov said. Read more

14 July


Central Bank: Uzbekistan is not going to issue sovereign Eurobonds this year

Earlier, it was reported that Uzbekistan plans to issue more Eurobonds (international bonds) this year.  Read more