27 December


Youth Union of Uzbekistan to be terminated, Agency for Youth Affairs will be created

On the basis of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan, an Agency for Youth Affairs will be created, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev said on December 27 during a meeting with young people, Kun.uz correspondent reports. Read more

23 December


First results of parliamentary elections announced

The results of the elections to the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis have been announced. Read more


New exchange rates: US dollar, Euro down, Ruble up against the Uzbek soum

The Central Bank of Uzbekistan has established new exchange rates of foreign currencies against the soum, which will be effective from December 24 this year. Read more

22 December


Mirzo-Ulugbek Abdusalomov: Six candidates for deputies withdrew their candidacy

Six candidates for deputies voluntarily withdrew their candidacy before voting began, the CEC chairman Mirzo-Ulugbek Abdusalomov said at a press conference. Read more

21 December


US places Uzbekistan on the list of countries that violate religious freedom

The US Department of State renewed the placement of Comoros, Russia, and Uzbekistan on its Special Watch List (SWL) for governments that have engaged in or tolerated “severe violations of religious freedom”. Read more

19 December


Shavkat Mirziyoyev: We want Japan to be a permanent member of the UN Security Council


Production of electric cars to start in Fergana region in October 2022

Target list of investment projects for the development of industry, services and agricultural products processing in Margilan and Kokand cities of Fergana region in 2020-2022 has been announced. Read more

18 December


Pulat Bobojonov: Transfer of the Jasliq prison to other organizations will be decided soon

At the Media Hall of the National Association of Electronic Mass Media of Uzbekistan, a meeting of the debate club “New Uzbekistan – new elections” took place. Read more

14 December


Ruslanbek Davletov: Workload of courts should be reduced 

Mediation is one of the best ways to reduce the workload of courts. At the Senate plenary session, the Minister of Justice Ruslanbek Davletov answered the senator’s question about the mechanism for implementation of exercising the powers of notary staff to perform the functions of a mediator.  Read more


Tanzila Narbayeva criticizes senators for not regularly raising issues of their constituency 

In Tashkent, the XXV plenary session of the Senate of Oliy Majlis has started its work. Read more


Uzbekistan to establish 10 non-state universities 

13 December


President Mirziyoyev to visit Japan next week, meet with the Emperor 

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev will pay an official visit to Japan on 17-20 December 2019 at the invitation of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the presidential press service said. Read more


Guarantees for the protection of journalists against illegal actions by officials to be strengthened

President of Uzbekistan signed a resolution “On additional measures to ensure the supremacy of the Constitution and the law, strengthening public control and raising legal culture in society”. Read more

12 December


IAEA approves four projects worth 1 million euros for implementation in Uzbekistan

The Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), as part of the Technical Cooperation Program, approved four national projects for implementation in 2020-2021 in Uzbekistan for a total amount of more than 1 million euros. Read more

11 December


9 regions of Uzbekistan to be allocated $538.3 million in 2020 from the Republican budget


Saidbek Azimov: The “black list” has been eliminated. Every person has the right to freedom of conscience

The International Press Club is holding a session of the Central Election Commission. It discusses changes in the judicial-legal sphere. Read more

10 December


Gulnara Karimova’s Swiss lawyer banned from entering Uzbekistan

Prosecutor General’s Office of Uzbekistan has announced that Grégoire Mangeat, Swiss lawyer of Gulnara Karimova, has been denied access to the republic for violating rules of professional ethics of lawyers. Read more


Shavkat Mirziyoyev signs the law on the state budget for 2020

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed the law “On the State Budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020”. Read more

9 December


US dollar, Euro, Ruble on the rise against the Uzbek soum


Mirziyoyev: We will continue to actively pursue a policy of increasing the role of women in society

In Uzbekistan, serious attention is paid to ensuring equal rights for women and men. This was declared by the president at a solemn meeting dedicated to the 27th anniversary of adoption of the Constitution. Read more

7 December


Hollywood’s analogue Cinema City Sollywood to be built in Samarkand

4 December


Justice Ministry accuses the khokim of Fergana of abusing power


Tajikistan suspends export of electricity to Uzbekistan

The export of Tajik electricity to Uzbekistan has been suspended due to the onset of cold weather and in order to meet the domestic needs of the republic, AP reports referring a source in the government of Tajikistan. Read more

3 December


Bobur Parpiyev: “We are negotiating with foreign partners on fintech tools”

2 December


Central Bank establishes new exchange rates of foreign currencies against Uzbek soum. US dollar up again

The Central Bank of Uzbekistan has established new foreign exchange rates, which will be effective from December 3 of this year. Read more


Registration of IMEI-code carried out on a paid basis from December 1

30 November


“Damage from the gas theft over the week amounted to $2.9 million” – Prosecutor General

On November 28, the Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov held a video-conference meeting on the issues of providing the population with electricity and natural gas. Read more