25 February


“Uzbekistan is ready to host Asian Games” - President of the Asian Olympic Council

On February 24, President of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad al-Sabah arrived in Tashkent. Read more

23 February


Around $14 million may be collected from applicants during entrance exams – State Testing Center

On February 13, a press conference was held with participation of the State Testing Center and the mass media to discuss the draft resolution “On additional measures to improve the system of admission to higher education institutions through testing” was held at the Agency for Information and Public Relations under the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan.  Read more

22 February


Individuals committed less serious crimes may vote in elections 

The Central Council of the Democratic Party of Uzbekistan “Milliy tiklanish” and the party fraction in the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis held a roundtable discussion on the Election Code.    Read more

21 February


Foreign pop stars to attend opening ceremony of multifunctional ice palace “Humo” in March

The opening ceremony of the multifunctional ice palace “Humo” will be held in March and it will host celebrations in honor of the Navruz holiday, Kun.uz correspondent reports referring to Uzbekistan's Minister of Physical Culture and Sports Dilmurod Nabiyev. Read more

20 February


Subsequent fate of the treasure found in Tashkent: All findings are kept under the state protection and more findings will be discovered soon

Earlier this year, Kun.uz reported about an ancient treasure in Tashkent. Reportedly, the treasure was buried 80 years ago and was found during searches in the hidden underpass of one of the buildings built in the XIX century. Read more

19 February


Uzbekistan to replace taxpayer identification number with personal ID of an individual

The President of Uzbekistan signed a decree “On measures for comprehensive development of the national system of performing public services”. Read more


Construction works carried out in January amounted to 2486.3 billion soums – State Statistics Committee

The volume of construction work performed in January of this year amounted to 2486.3 billion soums. Growth rates over the corresponding period of last year reached 104.9%, the State Statistics Committee reported. Read more

18 February


State entrance exams may be conducted on a paid basis

On the portal of assessing the impact of legislative acts, a draft presidential decree “On improving the system of admission to higher educational institutions through tests” has been published. Read more

16 February


100,000-soum notes to be issued starting from February 25

From February 25 of this year, the Central Bank of Uzbekistan will issue new banknotes in the form of 100 thousand-soum denominations. Read more

15 February


Ignatiy Nesterov was imposed a ban on football due to doping 

The Asian Football Confederation Disciplinary and Ethics Committee has suspected a goalkeeper of the Uzbek national team and the Saudi Arabian FC Ohod Ignatiy Nesterov of consuming prohibited substance and banned him from football. It is reported by the Goal SA.  Read more


Kuchkarov: Uzbekistan to purchase U.S. Treasuries for FX reserves

Uzbekistan intends to reduce the proportion of gold in its foreign currency reserves and buy U.S. Treasuries instead, Reuters reported citing Finance Minister Jamshid Kuchkarov as saying. Read more

14 February


Jamshid Kuchkarov: Uzbekistan bond sale will aid foreign direct investment

In an interview with Bloomberg correspondents, Finance Minister of Uzbekistan said Euro bond sale will help attracting foreign direct investment to the country. Read more


New Chairman of JSC Uzbekneftegaz appointed

By government decree, Bakhodirjon Sidikov was appointed Chairman of the Board of JSC Uzbekneftegaz, the press service of the Justice Ministry reported. Read more

13 February


Uzbek government provides support for textile companies 

According to the presidential decree “On measures to further deepen reforms and expand export potential of the textile and garment-knitting industry”, textile companies will be provided with state support. Read more


Iskandar Shodiyev is elected First Deputy Chairman of the Hockey Federation

Today, February 13, the National Olympic Committee (NOC) hosted an extraordinary reporting and election conference of the Uzbekistan Hockey Federation. Read more


Ravon share in the Russian market drops to 0%

According to data of the Association of European Businesses, Ravon has not been selling cars in Russia for eight months in a row. Read more


Individual entrepreneurs to be permitted to engage in gold mining from March 1, 2019

12 February


Jurabek Mirzamakhmudov becomes First Deputy Minister of Energy retaining his post as the head of “Uzatom”

Jurabek Mirzamakhmudov was appointed First Deputy Minister of Energy. At the same time, he preserves the post of Director General of the Agency for Development of Nuclear Energy “Uzatom” under the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan, the agency reported. Read more


NAPM develops a Concept for the brand of Jizzakh region  

The National Agency of Project Management (NAPM) together with the designing studio Artógraph developed the concept of the Jizzakh region’s image.    Read more


Who will buy hotel “Uzbekistan”? Its stake put up for sale

The state put up for sale its stake in the hotel “Uzbekistan”. Read more


Uzbekistan to adopt Code of Professional Ethics of Journalists

The Code of Professional Ethics of Journalists will be adopted in Uzbekistan, Kun.uz correspondent reports. Read more

11 February


Abdusalom Azizov replaces Ikhtiyor Abdullayev as State Security Service head

The head of the State Security Service, Ikhtiyor Abdullayev, resigned from his post, Kun.uz correspondent reports. Read more

9 February


Development Bank to be created in Uzbekistan

The President of Uzbekistan instructed the Central Bank to create a Development Bank with a capital of $500 million, Chairman of the Central Bank Mamarizo Nurmuratov said at a session of the International press-club, Kun.uz correspondent reports. Read more


Komil Allamjonov officially becomes First Deputy of the Presidential Advisor

On February 4, 2019, President Shavkat Mirziyayev signed a decree on appointing Komil Allamjonov as Acting Director of the Information and Mass Communications Agency under the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Read more

7 February


5-year-old Muhammadyusuf Anvarov becomes mental arithmetic champion in Moscow

The IV All-Russian Mental Arithmetic Tournament, organized by the UCMAS Children's Mental Arithmetic Center, was held at the Moscow Victory Museum. Read more


Military conscription terms in Uzbekistan to be changed 

According to the press service of the Ministry of Defense, the timing of conscription for military service in February-March causes a number of difficulties in ensuring the required temperature in the premises of recruiting and assembly points, including the increase in expenses for these purposes. Read more

6 February


New cotton varieties “Zangi-Ota-2”, “Ishonch” and “Zafar” created in Uzbekistan 

Scientists of genetics and plant experimental biology at the Academy of Science of the Republic of Uzbekistan have received a patent for the new varieties of cotton “Zangi-Ota-2”, “Ishonch” and “Zafar”.    Read more