8 November


President instructs to reduce the cost of bread production

Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a video-conference meeting, during which he raised the issue of providing the population with bread and flour. Read more

7 November


Shavkat Mirziyoyev receives chiefs of CIS countries’ special services

Today, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev has received the heads of delegations participating in the Tashkent session of the CIS Council of Chiefs of Security Agencies and Special Services, the presidential press service reported. Read more

6 November


Tajik side comments on the transfer of land to Uzbekistan as part of the demarcation agreement

Tajik media reported that the republic’s authorities are preparing to transfer to Uzbekistan 300 hectares of land in the Matchinsky district, not far from the village of Obi Shifo.  Read more

5 November


Measures taken to increase Internet speed in Uzbekistan announced

In Uzbekistan, in 2019, 10,000 kilometers of fiber-optic lines will be laid, and in 2020 - 20,000 kilometers of fiber-optic lines, a representative of the ICT Development Ministry said. Read more

4 November


“Neither cheap, nor available” – Alisher Kadirov speaks about air tickets

On October 31, a meeting of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis took place. The report of the Cabinet of Ministers on implementation of the State Program on realization of the Actions Strategy on five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, in the third quarter, was heard at it. Read more

2 November


SCO to develop a program for creating multimodal logistics centers

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) plans to develop a program to create multimodal logistics centers, the organization’s Secretary General Vladimir Norov said.  Read more

1 November


Chinese Premier Li Keqiang: China-Uzbekistan relations enter golden period of rapid development

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said on Friday that in recent years, relations between China and Uzbekistan have entered a golden period of rapid development under the strategic guidance of the two heads of state, Xinhua writes. Read more


Shavkat Mirziyoyev to receive Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Askar Mamin

Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Askar Mamin will attend the SCO Council of Heads of Government meeting in Tashkent on November 2, the Kazakh Prime Minister’s website reports. Read more

31 October


Employees of the Center for Development of Civil Society enjoy 100 percent wage increase

The President of Uzbekistan signed a resolution “On measures to support the activities of the center for development of civil society”. Read more

30 October


Funds allocated for organizing citizens’ employment spent illegally 

The Finance Ministry of Uzbekistan has identified embezzlement of funds allocated for employment of citizens. Read more


Uzbekistan plans to demolish seismically unstable multi-storey buildings  

In Uzbekistan, about 35,000 multi-storey buildings do not meet modern seismic and energy standards, Deputy Minister of Construction Shukhratkhuja Khashimov said. Read more

28 October


US dollar up against the Uzbek soum

The Central Bank of Uzbekistan has established new exchange rates of foreign currencies against the soum, which will be effective from October 29 this year. Read more

26 October


Salary of school teachers in Tashkent to increase

In Tashkent, the order of payment of monthly allowances to employees of secondary schools will be introduced. This was stated in an appropriate draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers. Read more


Media: First Deputy Prosecutor General has been appointed Prosecutor of Kashkadarya region

First Deputy Prosecutor General of Uzbekistan Erkaboy Tojiyev has been appointed as Prosecutor of the Kashkadarya region. It is reported by Kun.uz source. Read more

25 October


State Customs Committee plans to introduce a single customs payment for individuals

The State Customs Committee has published the draft document “On improving the order of movement of goods by individuals for non-commercial purposes”. Read more

23 October


“We should unite around the president” – Ahmed Aliyev

On October 21, head of the “Aliyev zargari” Gold Center Ahmed Aliyev, a seven-year prisoner in the “Jasliq” prison, expressed his gratitude to President Shavkat Mirziyayev during a press conference in Tashkent. Read more


Nukus to host international conference on Aral Sea issues 

On October 25, 2019 Nukus city will host High-Level International Conference under the auspices of the United Nations entitled “Aral Sea Area – Environmental Innovations and Technologies Zone”. Read more


Limit for export of cash foreign currency increases from $5000 to around $10,500 in Uzbekistan

The new edition of the Law “On currency regulation” was signed by the President, the Central Bank reports. Read more


UZEX: Price of gasoline and gold declines

According to the results of trades at the exchange market, the price for AI-91 petrol and gold has slightly decreased. Read more

22 October


UzLiDeP Chairman: “It is wrong to compare the EAEU with the USSR”

Recently, Kun.uz conducted an interview with the Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan Aktam Khayitov and asked his opinion about the EAEU membership. Read more


Uzbekistan increases car production 

According to the State Statistics Committee, the production of cars in January-September 2019 increased by 40.4%.  Read more


Shavkat Mirziyoyev speaks about role of Islam Karimov in adoption of the law on state language

On October 21, the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev delivered a speech at the meeting dedicated to the 30th anniversary of giving the Uzbek language the status of the state language. Read more

21 October


Citizens of which country enjoy highest pension – Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan or Kyrgyzstan?

The minimum pension in Uzbekistan is 436,150 soums ($46.25), which is considerably low compared to neighboring Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, vkratce.uz writes. Read more


Central Bank establishes new exchange rates of foreign currencies against Uzbek soum. US dollar drops

The Central Bank has established new exchange rates of foreign currencies against the Uzbek soum, which will be effective from October 22. Read more

19 October


Samarkand celebrates traditional City Day (photos) 

On the traditional Samarkand Day, the city's central parks and squares were crowded with local residents and guests of the city. Read more

18 October


Kandym Gas Processing Complex fully ready for commissioning

At the Kandym Gas Processing Complex (KGPC), which is located in the Bukhara region, an act of the State Acceptance Commission was signed. It marked the complete completion of the plant’s construction and the associated infrastructure of the KGPC, the press service of the Energy Ministry said. Read more

17 October


CB predicts the exchange rate of US dollar for year end

According to the results of the survey conducted by the Central Bank, most people believe that the US dollar exchange rate will be around 9837-9895 soums by the end of 2019. Read more