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14:35 / 28.02.2024
Customs Code introduced a series of amendments

11:13 / 27.12.2023
Civil Procedural Code amended

13:05 / 27.04.2023
Responsibility for disobeying requirements of SSS Border Troops’ servicemen strengthened

18:19 / 09.03.2023
Constitution to be added 27 new articles

15:05 / 16.02.2023
Pension law amended

09:58 / 01.07.2022
Kamoliddin Rabbimov speaks about constitutional amendments related to Karakalpakstan

12:00 / 25.06.2022
Presidential term in Uzbekistan may be extended for 7 years

10:19 / 24.06.2022
Definition of Uzbekistan may be changed as a “sovereign democratic republic”

09:04 / 17.06.2022
Sodiq Safoyev speaks about nullification of presidential terms

16:49 / 13.06.2022
Law on referendum to be amended

11:06 / 13.06.2022
Gov’t receives more than 20,000 proposals to amend the Constitution

16:38 / 20.05.2022
Tax and Customs Codes to be amended

15:02 / 16.05.2022
Deputies propose amending and supplementing the Constitution

14:11 / 13.04.2022
Passengers sitting in front seats to be obliged to wear seat belts

10:37 / 04.03.2022
President can suspend operation of regulations during a state of emergency