8 November


Epsilon procures 20 gas trucks, plans to bring 180 more

As a follow up to the Government’s instructions, the company takes part in supplying the population with natural gas during the autumn-winter period. Read more


Masdar signs an investment agreement on construction of a solar power station in Uzbekistan 

In Tashkent, an investment agreement was signed between the Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade of Uzbekistan and Masdar (UAE) on the construction of a photovoltaic station with a total capacity of 100 MW in the Navoi region. Read more


Two citizens of Iran detained at Tashkent airport with fake Italian passports


Two buses carrying 39 passengers crash in Tashkent region


A plane of Uzbekistan Airways en route Beijing-Tashkent makes an emergency landing in Lanzhou


Energy Ministry: “The level of payment receipt from consumers for electricity increased to 99%”

7 November


Uzbekistan, Turkey eye to boost trade relations


Epsilon: Continuing joint efforts with Uzbekneftegaz to increase production of hydrocarbons

On November 7, after hydraulic fracturing, the daily flow rate of two wells at Janubiy Tandircha field reached 200,000 m³ of gas. Read more


Abdusalom Azizov: Instability in Afghanistan impedes the implementation of large-scale projects in Central Asia


Damage from theft and fraud at Pakhta oil depot estimated at 2.7 billion soums


Joint Uzbek-British pharmaceutical university to open in Uzbekistan


Svetlana Artikova appointed Deputy Prosecutor General


SSS head of Uzbekistan speaks about threats related to returning of terrorists from Syria and Iraq

The militants, who fought in Syria and Iraq, are returning to their homeland to continue their terrorist activities. This was stated by the Chairman of the State Security Service of Uzbekistan Abdusalom Azizov at a meeting of the CIS Council of Chiefs of Security Agencies and Special Services in Tashkent Read more


Analysts reveal discrepancy between export indicators of fruits and vegetables from Uzbekistan to Kyrgyzstan


Uzbekistan’s largest military training ground commissioned 

The largest military training ground in the republic – the “Kattakurgan” military training camp, has been commissioned in the Central Military District. Read more


Sherzod Kudbiyev speaks about the fight against corruption in higher education


Kazakhstani people send more money to Russia and Uzbekistan than they receive from there 


Shavkat Mirziyoyev receives chiefs of CIS countries’ special services

Today, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev has received the heads of delegations participating in the Tashkent session of the CIS Council of Chiefs of Security Agencies and Special Services, the presidential press service reported. Read more


What is behind rising bread prices? Uzdonmakhsulot comments


Tajik fintech company enters Uzbekistan’s market 


A 20-year-old guy, who was summoned to the regional police department, goes missing in Andijan 

On November 2, information was circulated on social networks that in the Jalakuduk district of the Andijan region, a 20-year-old guy Abdullah, who was called by police officers, did not return home. Read more


Yandex set to develop panoramic views of Samarkand


South Korea ready to support infrastructure construction projects in Uzbekistan


Ecological Party of Uzbekistan proposes replacing traditional plastic bags with biodegradable ones


Journalist Davlatnazar Ruzmetov dies in a tragic accident


Index of Economic Freedom: Uzbekistan ranks 23rd on the “Tax burden” indicator 

Uzbekistan ranked 23rd out of 186 countries in the “Tax burden” indicator of the Index of Economic Freedom for the first 9 months of 2019. Read more


Epsilon obtains 500,000 m³ industrial gas per day from Khudjum–2 well
